Transforming the lives of women & girls
Every day women and girls face discrimination, poverty and violence just because they are female. We’re working to change that.
Educating girls
Investing in girls’ education creates a ripple effect – the result is healthier, wealthier families and communities, now and into the future.
Promoting women’s voices
Fighting poverty means ending the inequality that keeps women and girls, and their families and communities, locked in poverty.
Earning an income
Empowering women to build better livelihoods is crucial to lifting people out of poverty: because when women earn, everyone benefits.
Ending gender-based violence
Gender-based violence is one of the most pervasive human rights abuses in the world, damaging women, girls, men and boys and destroying communities. We need to stop it.
Ending early child marriage
Child marriage thwarts a girl’s chances at education, endangers her health and development, and perpetuates family and community cycles of poverty.
Economic rights
Discrimination and stereotypes mean that around the world women often end up in insecure, badly paid jobs, and aren’t promoted to senior positions.